Directions: Answer these questions pertaining to factoring polynomials. Choose the best answer.
Squares with side lengths of x feet are cut out of the 4 corners of a rectangular piece of plastic (as shown), which is then folded up to form an open-top box. Express the volume of the box in completely factored form (in cubic feet).

V = l w h |
2. |
A square has an area of 16x2 + 24x + 9 square centimeters. Write an expression for the perimeter of the square in centimeters.
3. |
The sides of a right triangle are labeled as shown.
a) Using the Pythagorean Theorem,
(a2 + b2 = c2), determine which equation can be used to solve for x.
b) Factor the answer to part a, and set the factors equal to zero to find the roots.
What is the length of the side of the triangle represented by x + 3?
c) Why was it necessary to discard one of the roots?
A birdbath is to be placed on a concrete slab measuring 10 ft. by 10 ft. The area of the square base of the birdbath is represented by x2 - 6x + 9.
a) Express the length of one side of the square base in terms of x.
5. |
A rectangle has an area represented by
54ab3. If the width is represented by 18ab, which choice represents the length? |
6. |
In the diagrams shown below, the diagram on the left can "become" the diagram on the right by moving the green rectangle. Which choice interprets what is being modeled?
The area of a rectangle is expressed as
48x2 + 16x - 15. The area of a square, as shown, is expressed as x2 - 4.
a) Express the square's area in factored form.
b) Express the area of the large rectangle as factored over the set of integers.
c) If the area of the square is subtracted from the area of the large rectangle, the expression for the remaining area would not be factorable.
8. |
If (x + 7) is a factor of 2x2 + 24x + 7m, determine the value of m.
A rectangular tulip garden has an area represented by 15t2 - 11t - 12.
a) Express this area as factored over the set of integers.
10. |
Which choice can represent the algebraic difference
(x - 2)2 - (x2 - 4) ?

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