Query: Are Geometric Sequences
Exponential Functions?


Topical Outline | Algebra 1 Outline | MathBits' Teacher Resources

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"Will geometric sequences be exponential functions?"
(geometric sequences whose graphs increase or decrease)

Let's compare the formulas for an geometric sequence with that of an exponential linear function.
We will be using
functional notation for the sequence.

Geometric Sequence:

Exponential Function:   f (x) = a• bx

Geometric Function:
is the variable
(variable is an exponent)
r is the common ratio
f (1) is a constant.

Exponential Function:
is the variable
(variable is an exponent)
b is growth/decay factor
a is a constant.

dividre dash

Convert the Arithmetic Function to a Linear Function:

Rename the "parts".
f (n) = f (1) • rn - 1
f (x) = a • bx - 1 which is the same form as f (x) = a • bx

Geometric sequences whose graphs increase (or decrease) are exponential functions.



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