Summary of Transformations
regarding Rigid Status

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Rigid Transformation (Isometry) - length is preserved - the figures are congruent.
Direct Rigid Transformation - orientation is preserved - the order of the lettering in the figure
     and the image are the same, either both clockwise or both counterclockwise.
Opposite Rigid Transformation - orientation is not preserved - the order of the lettering is reversed,
    either clockwise becomes counterclockwise or counterclockwise becomes clockwise.

Rigid Transformation = Isometry

Line Reflection Point Reflection Translation Rotation Dilation
Opposite Rigid Direct Rigid Direct Rigid Direct Rigid NOT Rigid.
Figures are similar.
Properties preserved:
1. distance
2. angle measure
3. parallelism
4. collinearity
Properties preserved:
1. distance
2. angle measure
3. parallelism
4. collinearity
Properties preserved:
1. distance
2. angle measure
3. parallelism
4. collinearity
Properties preserved:
1. distance
2. angle measure
3. parallelism
4. collinearity
Properties preserved:
1. angle measure
2. parallelism
3. collinearity

Lengths not same.

Reverse Orientation
(letter order changed)
Same Orientation
(letter order the same)
Same Orientation
(letter order the same)
Same Orientation
(letter order the same)
Same Orientation
(letter order the same)

Notation: Notation: Notation:


Glide Reflection
Opposite Rigid
Properties preserved:
1. distance
2. angle measure
3. parallelism
4. collinearity
Reverse Orientation
(letter order changed)


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